External services for technical knowledge and skills assessment. We help identify the actual level of technical skills of employees helping companies to have clear criterias for reorganization, restructuring, individual dismissal, collective dismissal and for recruitment processes.

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Evaluarea este realizată de experți independenți cu o vastă experiență profesională în variate industrii și modele de business, atât din mediul privat cât și din cel public. Metodologia folosită este transparentă, imparțială si aplicată de un terț independent.


Experience recommends us as experts in the technical evaluation of personnel for the processes of dismissal, reorganization, promotion. We are a real support for managers, the HR team and for employees.

  • We offer the methodology to retain the best skilled employees in the organization;
  • We reduce the risk of victimization behaviors and accusations of discrimination or harassment ;
  • We relieve the HR and Management department of the actual selection of employees;

We are a 100% independent, unbiased third party
We ensure a safe climate for employees and management 100%
We eliminate the perception of subjectivity 100%